First step was to find a recipe. We found one via the ever helpful Google search and set to work! We decided to make the cookies with green coloring, and make a white chocolate raspberry filling. It called for "high quality raspberry jam," but all we had was Smuckers...that's high quality, right?
Making the meringue was actually pretty fun. Once it was made, I did all the folding and whatnot :) I'm sure you've picked up from the title that the cookies didn't turn out. I don't know what we did wrong. Apparently macarons are super finicky, and hey this was my first time!
There they sit...while we still had hope that they would turn out. The filling was DELICIOUS! I basically just peeled the weird remnants of cookies off the paper and dipped them into the filling. It was pretty tasty. I'd love to try making them again sometime, but it was a pretty time consuming venture. I just hope Margaret will try again with me! I need the moral support with these things...