Thursday, July 29, 2010


Jackson has this new place...

It's a drive thru cafe called Gusta Java
Natalie enjoys the "mangotastic" smoothie with whipped cream...
While I enjoy the Forbidden Fruit...
Despite being in pretty much the worst retail location in Jackson, it's wonderful. Lots of great people work there, and everything I've tried has been delicious!

You may notice that we're not "driving thru" the drive thru cafe...we were in separate cars, so we had to improvise.

Jacksonians, have you been here yet?!
UPDATE: Gusta is closed at of September '11. So sad...Jackson kills yet another great local place


Regan said...

YUM those looks so good!!

Teresa said...

Wow! Look at all that whipped cream! These are perfect for the hot summer weather! I wish we had a bobba tea bar here. I miss bobba! Have you tried? :)

♥ Teresa ♥

Welcome said...

Well, I have not been there but I must say that anything mango has to be deliscious!!! Thats the fruit of choice...Just found your blog and Love It!!!


Jess said...

Yum smoothies are good. I must say the drive through cafe phenomenon is quite foreign to me in New Zealand. We have drive through takeaways like McDonalds but all our cafes you have to go in the store.

Oh, My Darling said...

Ooh, a mango smoothie?! Delicious!

KristiMcMurry said...

Teresa, don't think I've heard of bobba tea.

Jess, this is the first one I've see in my town! I have seen drive-thru Starbucks in other places though.

MANGO IS DELICIOUS! I had one yesterday :) mmmmm

Amber said...

Yum! Looks fantastic!

bethan said...

hello penpal!

im really looking forward to getting to know you through the revival of letter writing!

also, cream and mango looks really, really good!
