Tuesday, July 20, 2010


As some of you may know, I offer a photography service to Etsy sellers and/or small business owners. I do it mostly just to help people starting out, but also because I want to keep busy! Along the way, I've discovered some amazing sellers! Lately I've had the pleasure of working with the sweet and wonderful owner of TheCrochetBarn
These cute little hats are great quality, and of course the girls wanted to keep them all! These images should be showing up in her shop pretty soon.

I also have been working with Kristen of shop3littlebirds. She doesn't have the items in her shop yet, but they'll be there soon, so make sure and check back! I've only photographed about half of her work so far, so what you see is only part of the good stuff!

I'm so glad I've been able to work with these great gals...I hope they have much success in their Etsy adventures!


3 Little Birds Boutique said...

You have no idea how EXCITED I am!!! You are such a talented photographer, the pictures are A M A Z I N G!!! My shop is actually shop3littlebirds on etsy, I will send you the link if you don't mind changing it. Thanks a million!!!!!!!

Regan said...

Those hats are sooo adorable!! As well as the jewelry. :)