Thursday, July 25, 2013

Heit Family Portrait +Trading Services

I've been meaning to blog these pretty much every day this week! With the new Hello, Jackson blog that I started, I haven't been thinking about my personal blog as much. I hate that, but honestly I have just been having so much fun with Hello, Jackson! I still plan on updating here, though, promise. It just might be infrequent :)

These are some photos of a wonderful family that I'm so happy to know. Scott is my coworker, and he traded me a family portrait session for some design work for Hello, Jackson. It was an awesome trade! I feel like I got the better deal, but they do seem to like the photos. Can I also just say that trading services is pretty much the best? It is sooooo the best.

This shoot wasn't the easiest because I mean four kids is a lot! I love all the cute action shots of them playing though. I think those are always my favorites from family shoots. Kelly is such a super mom wrangling those kiddos all day every day. She and Scott make a pretty great team! I hope that if I have kids, I will be that great of a parent. I guess since I work with Scott, I can always prod him for advice!

I hope you are all having a fantastic week so far. Rhett and I are traveling to St. Louis for my cousin's wedding this weekend. It's going to be kind of a quick, busy trip, but I think it will be good. I'm excited about meeting up with Sarah of Sometimes I Swirl, who lives in St. Louis. I met her through Etsy/Twitter and I'm SO EXCITED to meet another internet friend in person. I feel like I have a friend in pretty much any city I visit these days! It's a wonderful thing.

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