Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lunch with Ryan and the Work Crew

I am so blessed to work in an amazing environment every day. I work as a web designer at a small Baptist university (Union University), and I share a big office with the two print designers. Each semester we have a student graphic designer to help with their workload, and when I first started here that designer was Ryan. Ryan and I quickly became good friends, and I'm so glad that we still hang out now! Not long ago he had all of us, plus the other web guy (my boss man) over for lunch to catch up. He made us some delicious chicken/tomato/mozzarella sandwiches, risotto and salad! It was a lovely meal with great conversation.

After lunch Ryan showed us around his house and we got to check out his awesome linotype font  collection (a gift from his dad). I think it's linotype...Ryan, you can correct me if I'm wrong. They have such a neat house. It looks pretty average from the outside, but there's a great covered patio PLUS and awesome sunroom with gorgeous window light, which they use as a studio.

I love getting to hang out with friends, especially work friends. I think it's amazing that we all have such a good relationship. I know a lot of people who just go in to work, sit there, then leave. I would be so bored if I didn't have these people to talk with from day to day! I know they probably won't ALWAYS be my coworkers, but I can't imagine a better group of people to spend 8 hours a day with. I feel like they will be lifelong friends, no matter where our individual lives take us. And these are just the few I work closely with. The rest of our office is amazing too!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Crafting and Exchanging

A while back I got invited to my friend Lisa's craft exchange, which I thought it was a BRILLIANT idea, and I started planning what I would make. I already had a few lavender sachets started, so I decided that would be my craft. The event was last night, so of course I waited until the week of to finish up the sachets. Luckily it didn't take long to finish the ones I had started and make a few more. For the party everyone brought 5 of the same or similar crafts, and we went through one by one and picked something out. We did 5 rounds of picking, so we each left with the same amount that we brought. It was so much fun!

I was actually pretty fond of my craft, which is saying a lot since I'm not a very crafty person. I thought the messy sewing kind of added some quirkiness (this is my way of making myself feel better about not being able to sew, so just roll with it). I included 2-3 sachets with each bundle and also included a jar of extra lavender. They are so easy to make with fabric scraps, so I thought people might enjoy making their own! I tied the two together with some scrap chiffon from my wedding dress. So basically I just used a bunch of stuff left over from the wedding. Resourcefulness, people! I hope the folks who got them enjoy them.

Delicious goodies, made by the incredibly talented Lisa, plus some yummy coffee were served. Of course I had already eaten a big dinner, but that didn't stop me from trying one of everything. The lemon shortbread sandwich things were OUT OF THIS WORLD. I am a sucker for anything lemony for dessert.

That's Lisa telling us how it's all going to go down. Things things have to be organized! I thought it was so cute that she was wearing her husband's shirt. He's a musician (check him out) and on tour right now.

The crafts and the decor on the tables were all set up so adorably. I loved seeing what everyone made! I was pretty darn excited about my haul. I got lucky and was number 7 through the line, so I snatched up one of Lisa's embroidered fox pillows. She obviously went above and beyond on her craft! Did I mention how talented she is?! I also picked up some homemade aioli from Beth, who is a master baker, some adorable button earrings from Heather, some Polaroid note cards from Keely, and some watercolor greeting cards from someone. I can't remember the crafter of those, but they're too cute! I'm really excited to try the aioli soon, since I've never had any.

It was so nice to go mingle with friends and chat about life and whatnot. I hadn't seen several of those ladies in a while, so it was great to catch up. Lisa is on a mission to have one event each month, which I think is pretty stinking awesome. I hope I'm able to make the next one too! If you think Lisa sounds amazing, which I'm sure you do, you should check out her website. She makes baked goods for events and weddings. She did the pies at my wedding!

I hope you all have a fabulous Memorial Day weekend planned. I don't know for sure what we're going to do, but I'm hoping it involves sleeping in, finishing up some picture editing and catching up on cleaning. I dream big, you guys.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Tribute to Jim

Earlier this semester my former photography professor announced he was retiring from teaching. It wasn't a huge blow to me personally, since I graduated a few years ago, but I know that current students are probably pretty bummed! Jim is one of those people whom EVERYONE loves. There's not one single bad thing about that man, and that's a pretty huge claim to make about someone. He's an excellent photographer, he's the most encouraging person I know AND he sets an amazing Christian example for everyone who comes through Union. It's a plus that he and his wife are pretty much the cutest couple ever. So anyway, enough gushing. To send him off properly, his colleagues (Chris and Ashley) hosted a party in his honor for alum and coworkers to attend. 

Ashley gushing about Jim

Jim and Carol (and everyone else) giggling because Ashley is hilarious

Part of the gathering included a presentation that served as a gift from Jim's current and former students.  Kathleen (soon to be Jim's successor! Congrats, Kat!) put together this AMAZING slideshow of images submitted by students under the theme of "His Influence." It also included recordings of the students telling how he influenced them. The last part of the slideshow had several snapshots of Jim and Carol, some of them quite funny. Later the photos and submitted critiques of the photos (this was something he always did in class, so the project mirrored that) will be printed in the form of a book for Jim and Carol to keep. I have to say, this party was probably one of the most fun things I've gotten to do in a while. I got to see lots of old classmates and hang out with so many of the people I cherish. It was a wonderful night!

I am so excited to see what the next chapter of their lives holds. Jim is planning to do freelance work again, which is what he did before teaching. I have no doubt he will do great things! And I'm also pretty sure he'll be spending some extra time with grandbabies too :) Best wishes, Jim and Carol, in all that life has to offer! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Come Spring and Hurry

As I write this today, it is actually finally warm again. But the last few weeks have been so back and forth weather-wise that I've been in a glass case of emotion (bonus points if you get that reference). I shouldn't be surprised since Fall was so back and forth as well, but seriously, get warm and stay that way! These photos were taken on a particularly chilly day recently. Margaret and I met up to take the pictures, and we basically just complained about the temperature the entire time. We're such beacons of positivity.

I was actually kind of thankful for the opportunity to wear this jacket one more time. I bought it from Express one year when I had a pretty massive coupon (they have THE BEST coupons with their credit card). I wanted to get something that was unlike anything else I had, and this definitely fit the bill. I usually stay far away from white since (a) I'm clumsy and (b) white gets dingy, but I just really liked the contrast on this jacket. The black faux leather details around the zippers and the fabric on the front  panels just kind of drew me in. I personally think this jacket is a perfect match for my favorite Levi's. If I wasn't worried about getting a million stains on this thing, I would probably wear it a lot more often! Maybe someday I'll be brave enough to get white pants...but I doubt it.

jacket- Express
earrings - gift
jeans- Levi's
boots- Madden Girl from Marshall's (similar)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Back Home Where We Belong

Rhett and I just got back from vacation yesterday, which was WONDERFUL. It's always so nice to get out of town for a few days and not have anything to worry about besides eating and sleeping. I did have one little worry while I was gone though: my Chipper baby. This is the first time we've left him, and I missed him so much more than I anticipated! He was in great hands with Rhett's aunt and uncle, but I was still worried about him. I know, I know...he's a dog. He's pretty much happy with anyone who gives him food. I'm sure he didn't even notice we were gone.

 alien ears

I will admit that it was really nice being able to sleep a little later in the morning and walk around without wondering if he's chewing on something important. He's still quite a handful, so the rest without the responsibility was much-needed. I'm SUPER glad to be back home with him though! I thought he was going to explode when we picked him up yesterday. He was so excited to see us, which made me really happy.

ooooo what's that?! camera! lick! 

As a side-note, We got our last groupon Bark Box earlier this month! I went to cancel the subscription because I really don't need to spend the money, but I ended up just leaving it. He just loves getting the toys and treats, I couldn't stand to take that away from him! I was able to use a coupon for the next few months though, so that helped.

I hope you all are enjoying a nice week! The weather is decent today, though a little overcast. I'm hoping to get a run in this afternoon. I've got a few months to get my weekly mileage up before I start training for the marathon in December! I'm telling you guys that I'm running it so you MUST hold me to it. Don't let me back out.