Kristimcmurry on Goodsie: Shop My Closet
Look at that! I actually accomplished something this week. I listed several pieces of clothing in my goodsie shop. A lot of it is stuff that is too big (yay running!), but some of the things I just don't wear enough. I gave a lot of clothes to Goodwill, but these pieces are all still in good condition/good brands so I'd love to make a little money from them. I just bought a mattress, so every little income helps. Mattresses are high, y'all!
So, if you see something you like, snatch it up! If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer (like materials, washing instructions, measurements, ect.). My email is ask away.
I need to do this someday!
how fabulous is this? loving those hidden wedged open toes. perfect!
xo TJ
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