Monday, October 25, 2010


I have been taking a bit of a break from blogging, if you haven't noticed :) I spent the weekend in Florida with my boyfriend's family. His step brother had a beach wedding down there so we went down Friday for the rehearsal dinner, and the wedding was Saturday. I'll do a post with some pictures soon.

Last week I got an email that I had been featured on Babyology. "Hooray!" I thought. I looked through the blog and thought they had some amazing things featured...I wish I had a baby now! Then on Thursday (?) I got several sales, and I started feverishly searching to find the source of these sales. I mean, I had 1 sale last I was in serious shock with this sudden surge. I finally found a tweet from Ashli telling me to look at Etsy's Facebook. By this time it was buried, but I found it...there on Facebook was a link to the Babyology article. I was so excited! I spent a couple of hours last night packing everything up, and I even had enough to justify carrying it to the PO in a bag :) I always wondered what it would feel like to have that many sales at's wonderful! Overwhelming (especially since I was out of town) but wonderful.

All that to say...THANK YOU to Babyology and Etsy


Emilie said...

Well done! You so deserve it!

cb said...

congrats, that is super awesome!!! yayayayay!


k said...

wow, that is awesome!!!

archives vintage said...

an awesome feature! congrats!!! :)

Lucy, Dear Fish said...

Yay congratulations! Your work is beautiful, you totally deserve it!

Pretty Little World said...

Congratulations!! That's crazy exciting!! Hooray!!