Tuesday, September 28, 2010


My favorite color at the moment is definitely mustard yellow. A while back I found a bridesmaids dress on Etsy that was mustard yellow, and that began my obsession. (Sidenote: that dress has disappeared from Etsy, and I could cry) I'm sure my closest friends are freaking out right now since every one of them probably hates that color. No worries, girls. I'm not even engaged! I'm sure my favorite color will be different by the time I get married, but for now...

This adorable ruffle necklace is now in my possession! I can't wait to wear it, and I will definitely post pictures when I do.  You can find this at Pretty Things by Meg

I really want this for 1-2 day trips that I take pretty often (*hint*hint* Rhett!)

mustard yellow AND geometric? Score!

I've been eyeing this clock for a LONG time. I think it would look great in my bedroom with the bright blue accent wall. Your thoughts?

What are some of your favorite colors right now? Am I the only one that flip flops my favorites? Am I asking way to may questions for one post?


Anonymous said...

I honestly didn't know i loved mustard so much until you posted this! Everything you showed was beautiful! I love wearing yellow though, it makes me feel tan!

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Love any shade of yellow- except very light- Not much into patels- but to me yellow is such a happy color-

I do love the neck ruffle- with the right outfit that would look lovely.

Nice to 'meet' you-

Heidi Adnum said...

Kristi, I love yellow! Great finds. Oh, *and* this print! http://www.etsy.com/listing/26359332/torino-gt-mar-vista-ca

Oh, My Darling said...

Completely agreed on the love of mustard yellow!!! What great finds!

Flashes of Style said...

That color is just wonderful! <3

KANI said...

i actually love mustard! and thinking about it now, bridesmaid dresses in mustard would look lovely, that said it's still years before i get married!

cb said...

these are beautiful finds! love that yellow! and that necklace is gorgeous!


Anonymous said...

I love this post! Beautiful finds. I want that necklace AND that bag.