Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monumental Occasion

(make sure you get to the bottom of this post for a special giveaway)

There's nothing better than unpacking boxes! Well, only if they hold things that haven't seen the light in quite a few years. Since my Grandma lived in my house before she downgraded, we still store some of her stuff. We (Paige- that's her in the grey, Mom and I) decided to go through some of it and see if any could go in our upcoming yardsale. We didn't get much yardsale material but we found some AMAZING games.
I didn't know Sorry! was an older game. For some reason I thought that all the games I used to play weren't invented until I was a child. I am DEFINITELY narcissistic. My mom got very excited about Spudsie. I think she actually jumped up and down a little!
Animal Twister?! Yes please! And I can't even tell you how many hours I spent playing Hide N Seek. It was so much fun, even though I always played it alone. Mom said that she and my uncle would play it all the time when they were kiddos. It makes me smile to think that Mom and I played the same game (same board, same pieces) as kids.
Clue was the only game I kept at my house. Mom took the rest to display at her house. I haven't put Clue out yet, but I was thinking I might display it on my built in bookshelves.
Anyone have some good suggestions for what I could do with it?

Now we get to the monumental occasion (as indicated in the title): 
I reached 100 followers!
Reaching those triple digits makes me so happy. Knowing that real, live people are reading my words and looking at my photos is just amazing. I hope you all enjoy the things I post about!

To celebrate this very happy occasion, I'm going to give away something that Mom and I found in our boxes! These are two vintage Coca-Cola bell shaped glasses, both in excellent condition and valued at around $15 (correct me if I'm wrong). I imagine these being used for some Coke floats! You could share one with your sweetie <3 or enjoy a nice cold soda with a friend. I love these glasses, so I want them to go to a good home.

I'm going to make this simple. To enter:
1. leave a comment telling me the best thing you ever found in storage! If you don't have one, just leave a comment to say hi.  Make sure to let me know how to contact you if you win. 
2. tweet about this giveaway (make sure to tag @kristimcmurry2) and comment to let me know. 

Each of these will be a separate entry (and separate comment), so you have two chances to win!

I'll be drawing the winner on Sept 20 (my little sis's birthday!) 
Thanks so much to all my followers. You are all so wonderful! Each comment you leave, makes me so happy... The little *bing* that lets me know I have mail always makes my little heart jump.


cabin + cub said...

Oh wow! Great find! I love vintage boardgames... we found a bunch at my mother-in-law's place.. more from the 70s though.

cb said...

that looks like SO much fun! i LOVE CLUE and that looks like a great vintage one!! super jealous!!!


Oh, My Darling said...

Oh how very fun! The best thing I've found in storage was likely my old troll collection. Still sort of love 'em, but I kept them safe in our attic.

whitney said...

Love going through old stuff! You just never know what you will find! :)

Unknown said...

Your story reminded me of "Antiques Road Show", loved the pictures. The best things found in our attic are my daughters writings and art work from her early years.

Susan Babin said...

Recently I found a boy baby doll that my mother-in-law bought for my son as an infant! He was the first boy in a long line of girls. Gramma did not want him to be treated differently, hence the boy baby doll.

Elle Sees said...

so cool!
a diaper with the name "krissy" on it. apparently my family called me that when i was born (wtf??).

Katie (Lemon Jitters) said...

Not entering the contest but had a thought about the Clue board! Idk if you would be willing to cut it up but if so, you could take a super sharp knife and cut out some or all of the rooms on the board. Then frame them all separately and hang them in a grouping.

But you may want to keep the board intact. In which case it would be cool to put the board under glass on a table.

Holly said...

Look at all the neat treasures you found! I think your mom is such a cutie with Spudsie.

My dad owns a mini storage business, and I used to work for him. Sometimes we had to clean out the units of non-paying customers, and I found some pretty interesting things. The most interesting item is not really appropriate, but let's just say it was an adult item. I laughed out loud when I saw it, but stayed far far away.

Ally said...

Such great pictures and some great memories :)

amanda said...

congrats on your monumental occasion!!!!! wow, those glasses are great! you guys pulled out the coolest stuff. i wish i had a good story to tell. nothing i've ever found in storage has been any good. maybe one of these days!

maria said...

like ur blog:)
i will follow you.
If you follow me:


r garriott said...

I'm ineligible due to my non-tweeting status, but your blog is fun and I'm glad I got a peek. Best thing ever pulled out of storage...
Pre-prohibition beer bottles (with paper labels still attached) from a long-gone local brewery pulled out of our 1920's bungalow crawl space.