Friday, September 24, 2010

Birthday Cake for Jeremy

Mix the cake and crush up some Heath bars!

Bake it up!

Cut off the excess and get ready to do some stacking

Spread pudding between the layers and ice the outside of the cake

Sprinkle your Heath crumbles and there-ya-go! 

Happy Birthday, Jeremy!
Ok, so this was actually on the 6th of this month. I was just really slow about getting it posted. 

Sorry about having two food posts in a row this week! I'm sure you don't mind though, right? I guess I should give credit where credit is due: Paige did most of the work on this cake. I spent all my time taking pictures. I did make the pudding and crush the Heath bars though! I hope Jeremy enjoyed his birthday cake and friends. We sure enjoyed the cake!


G said...

Oh WOW! It looks absolutely delicious! O.O

-Gayle from

Oh, My Darling said...

Yum, what a tasty cake!

Astrid said...

that looks soo freaking good there are no words to explain! I think I now must bake a cap (or yummy cupcakes) today :)

Jody McDowell said...

um, i'll take a slice! it looks delicous!!

the chirpy bird said...

Oh I'm totally trying this!!! How delish!!! So happy that I discovered your blog today! Loving your photography too!
xo tash