Monday, August 30, 2010

My Dining Room

Lately my dining room has become my "space." I have too much junk to decorate my room, so instead I am trying to have fun with the dining area! A while back I posted about a shopping trip that led to me purchasing a buffet. Well take a look...
I just love that pretty design under the mirror, and there is SO MUCH SPACE for me to store things. It's got lots of surface damage that I could fix, but I kind of like that it has character.
One of the many lovely pieces that sit on the buffet. My roommate, Paige, made this cup at Arrowmont this summer and gave it to me. Isn't is gorgeous?!
When Gabrielle moved out, she left this chair. I love it, and it looks so cute in the least I think so.
When I worked at Express, I would bring home tons of our old marketing and photos. I know I probably wasn't supposed to, but we'll pretend it's ok. These frames and posters are from there, and the middle picture of the camera is from theblueballoon. The camera is a Miranda camera...which is my roommate/cousin's name, so it was perfect.
And I have lots of vases on the table! Those flowers are looking a little sad, but I have some fresh ones in there after this weekend's market! I kept those tiny purple ones because they dried with such a pretty color.

Now I've still got lots of wall space...any suggestions?


Gorgeous Glam said...

Wow you've got some amazing pieces! I love the buffet!! And I have some white milk glass vases just like those! xoxo

KristiMcMurry said...

Thanks Taj! I just love milk glass's always fun to happen upon them at thrift stores.

Anonymous said...

very lovely:) maybe a sort of far off framed picture of the whole dining room table at your next dinner part. just capture the moment of friends and family enjoying each other....?

k said...

i love how eclectic it's so great!

chelsea rebecca said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! this is gorgeous!!!
and i love the tablescape!!!

Burnt Mill Candles and Soap said...

love the colors!

Holly said...

You've got a really fun space! And you're right, that buffet has a ton of character. I love furniture like that. For wall art, I love Amy Perotti's shop on etsy.

Oh, My Darling said...

Aw, love the vases, they're so sweet!

Inez said...

Wow! what an amazing room, you decorate it soo beautifull!

Jody McDowell said...

i love the buffet exactly like it is! and those floors.. i have total floor envy right now!

blydesign said...

That buffet is beautiful! What a great find!

a little black cloud in a dress said...

wow!! That thing is gorgeous!