On one of the hottest days of the year (I'm talking "feels like 112" here people), Rhett decided he wanted grilled hamburgers. I called him crazy, but he did it anyway. Rather than spending time outside tending to the burgers, he just pulled a chair up to the screen door and watched them from inside. Nice compromise, Rhett! He took care of the meat and I made some french fries. Not bragging, but they were pretty dang good.
That's my buffet...I'll post pictures of it soon, so consider this a sneak peek. I really wanted to take a picture of my outfit this day, but I forgot. This is as close as I got :)
Rhett won't let me take a regular picture of him...he just acts silly or gets mad. These are as good as I could get...but I like them :)
Have any of you been brave enough to grill on these hot summer days?
i like his pics :) and that is hilarious that he just sat inside and watched them :)
those burgers look delicious! it doesn't get super hot where i live...but i think i would have done the same thing as rhett if i were in that situation. haha! grab a chair and watch the burgers from inside. it's the way to go! :)
great pictures!
Ooh, yum! I had a burger tonight for dinner, too, though it was purchased at a bar. Also, loving your stealthy photos of him.
what a perfect burger! yum... great now im hungry
your blog is awesome! keep up the good stuff and ill be back for sure!
that burger looks great! I'll take an order of that with those fries please. Have a lovely weekend.
so cool that you bought one! you will love it (the diary)
yummy burger :)The last 2 photos are cute.
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