Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Today I would like to share my very first Etsy purchase with you. (Back in May '09)
It was a camera strap cover for my camera. I bought this one for myself, and my boss bought another one for my birthday. I love both of them! I haven't put one on my new camera yet, but I plan to soon. I don't like the idea of everyone knowing what camera I have, so I like to cover the strap. At first glance, my camera doesn't look that high-end because I haven't added a battery pack or anything. I like how inconspicuous it is now that I take it pretty much EVERYWHERE with me. It's also nice to have a strap with some color :)

My strap covers came from the lovely shop Mason Jar Holdings

They've never had just a big selection, so if you don't see something you like in the shop, keep checking back because they change their fabrics often. I wish they offered more choices, but I guess I'll deal.

Here are two of the covers they have right now:
Be sure to check out the Mason Jar Holdings shop!

Monday, August 30, 2010

My Dining Room

Lately my dining room has become my "space." I have too much junk to decorate my room, so instead I am trying to have fun with the dining area! A while back I posted about a shopping trip that led to me purchasing a buffet. Well take a look...
I just love that pretty design under the mirror, and there is SO MUCH SPACE for me to store things. It's got lots of surface damage that I could fix, but I kind of like that it has character.
One of the many lovely pieces that sit on the buffet. My roommate, Paige, made this cup at Arrowmont this summer and gave it to me. Isn't is gorgeous?!
When Gabrielle moved out, she left this chair. I love it, and it looks so cute in the corner...at least I think so.
When I worked at Express, I would bring home tons of our old marketing and photos. I know I probably wasn't supposed to, but we'll pretend it's ok. These frames and posters are from there, and the middle picture of the camera is from theblueballoon. The camera is a Miranda camera...which is my roommate/cousin's name, so it was perfect.
And I have lots of vases on the table! Those flowers are looking a little sad, but I have some fresh ones in there after this weekend's market! I kept those tiny purple ones because they dried with such a pretty color.

Now I've still got lots of wall space...any suggestions?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Orange & Aqua

Occasionally when I add something to my favorites on Etsy, I just can't stop thinking about it. Such was the case for this adorable orange and aqua clutch by RACHELelise. I finally bought it a couple of weeks ago.

I decided to make use of the jungle that is my backyard. I attempted to clean it out at the beginning of the summer, but I just got fed up. There's really not much you can do about ugly pine needles when you have a forest of pine trees shedding constantly. The plus side is that they are good for the azalea bushes.

Top and pants: Express (are we seeing a trend with my closet?)
Clutch: RACHELelise on Etsy
Shoes: Simply Vera for Kohls
Watch: Target

I thought she had the most adorable labels! It makes me want to have a line of handbags, just so I can make cute labels. The best part is that I can always have her shop name on hand if someone asks where I got the clutch.

Next time I'll try to correctly focus the pictures. I'm still getting the hang of using a wireless remote. Also, this is my "before red" hair! I'm actually really glad I dyed it now. It's so much more interesting.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Changing Oil

I've always considered myself a mildly self-sufficient girl. I know I can't do EVERYTHING myself, but I try to be pretty ambitious. When I got my first car, my step-dad taught me how to change my own oil. At that time it wasn't that much cheaper to change it yourself (it's about $10 cheaper now), but it was way more convenient because you could do it on your own time!

The best thing about it is that it's incredibly easy to do. I'm NOT a car person...I don't pretend to know what the difference between a 4 cylinder and 6 cylinder engine is, I just know how to unscrew a drain plug. You want to give it a go? There's a great little tutorial online

Just remember that you will get dirty, so don't be like me and wear your favorite pants. Also, make sure there is someone with you. I always go to my dad or step-dad's house to change mine because I don't trust myself to jack the car up right :) I don't want to be stuck under a car all by myself!

Another reminder: PLEASE dispose of the dirty oil properly. Take it to an auto parts store and they'll probably recycle it for you. They're pretty cool like that.

Let me know what self-sufficient things you do!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Red

The other day I was in Target and I spontaneously bought some hair dye. A couple of days later I dyed my hair while I was talking to my roommate. I think talking made me distracted, and I didn't do such a great job...but hey, it's something different so I'm ok with it!
During the process. I was TOTALLY freaked out at this point. I didn't want it to be that red...but I just tried to relax. And sorry I had to blur my face...not ready to let you see me without makeup. Please note the ridiculous robe. It looks silly, but it's crazy soft.
This is the next day after one wash. I think I like it, but I'm ready for it to fade a little bit!
Top, necklace and belt: Express (when i worked there)
Shorts: Target (bought them when I was stuck in Florida with no more clothes)
What do you think? I'm still not totally sold on it, but it's growing on me!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Coffee + Sweeter Pastures

In an earlier post, I explained my morning routine, and I got a few responses about how nice it sounds. I get some alone and quiet time every morning, and it has become rather important to me! Here's a quick picture of what my mornings look like.
My favorite days are when the sun is beaming in through the window...it just feels like I'm in a dream. My favorite breakfast is a piece of sausage and some frozen grapes.

What is your morning routine?

In other news:
The image I mentioned in this post has officially been named "Sweeter Pastures" thanks to the beautiful and sweet Melissa of Oh, My Darling! Melissa is one of my favorite bloggers, and as a thank you for naming my photograph, she's getting a free copy!

You can also find it in my Etsy shop here. Only 8x10, but soon to be 5x7 as well.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rudolph Clay Studios

My roommate Paige just introduced me to an AMAZING pottery shop on Etsy! We actually have a few random connections already. Paige spent part of the summer with Cheyenne of Rudolph Clay Studios at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, and I also found out that Cheyenne went to high school with one of the former clay professors at my university. Small world, eh?!

Anyway, I adore the pots that this couple makes. I love the attention to detail on the pieces, especially the butter dishes! Their pieces fit really well in my recent aesthetic...like the neutrals with just a little bit of color.  Cheyenne and her husband, Nigel, work from home on their pottery, and Cheyenne also teaches art at a Montessori school. You can see their work in their Etsy shop, Rudolph Clay Studios.

...Here are some of my favorites...

There are so many great pieces in their shop!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Another Beautiful Sunday

Today was another lovely Sunday with my good friend Gabrielle. A big part of my life is eating ribs...it's like a special treat, and my family makes GREAT ribs. I brought Gabrielle along to mom's house for dinner this time, and we had a blast roaming around and goofing off.
My stepdad, Guy, stocks up on wood for the winter. There's wood EVERYWHERE
On me (right):
Mayan pattern top: Express
Pants (rolled up): Target
Shoes: Simply Vera
Fun farm-y stuff
I look totally disgusted...but I wasn't
Thirst BUSTERS! Any size fountain drink for $.69.  That's what's up!
We are so natural...
We had a GREAT day! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well <3

Terrible with Titles

You like that alliteration in the title? Yeah, I thought so.

Well I've finally gone and done another piece for the miniature series! This piece was custom made for a lovely Etsy seller that I traded with here. I feel bad that it took me so long to do the piece, but she assured me she was in no hurry. I have a problem though! I'm really struggling with a title. My best attempt so far has been "Cow to Cream," but I really want to get my lovely readers' opinion.

So tell me, good friends, do you have any good ideas for a title?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Who Needs Money, Anyway?

I love shoes, and I love expensive shoes. There's one little problem though, I don't make a ton of money...and even if I did, I probably still wouldn't spend it on shoes. My best option is to wait for pretties to hit the TJ Maxx or Marshall's in town. Most of the time they aren't big-name brands, but I don't mind. I do occasionally find a pretty rad pair, and I get excited! I found these Franco Sarto heels at Marshall's on sale the other day, and I have worn them several times already! I love the heel size because it's big enough that I don't wobble, but it's not so big that I feel like I'm clunking. I also love the color because it goes with EVERYTHING!!!
This was the first day I wore them (jumping in these was dangerous...I am surprised that I didn't break my ankle). I wore it with this little knit dress from Forever 21 that has really neat gold military buttons. And, yes, my hair is stringy. It's been like that all summer and I don't really know what to do about it.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Oh Yeah! Kimberly Kimble

One of my good friends is so awesome that she's a spokes-model for the company Oh Yeah! They sell nutrition...stuff. I don't really know much about them, but the shakes and bars are crazy good! Kim was handing out some goodies at the re-release of Body Attack at Gold's Gym, so I took some images for her to send to Oh Yeah!
It wasn't a huge photography accomplishment or anything, but I thought they turned out pretty cool to be taken in the gym. Isn't Kim gorgeous?! I love taking her classes at the gym because I feel like I work harder to try and keep up (of course I don't even come close to keeping up...but at least I try!)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

More from Susie

This was my second shoot of Susie Frances' work. I love her earrings! I'm still trying to decide which ones I want...hmmmm.

Her site is up, but as I understand it is unfinished. Some of the images are from another photographer, but you should be able to see which ones are mine

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First Ever Guest Post!

Carissa of Copious Couture asked me to guest post on her blog!!! Check it out here: Inspiration&Collaboration with Kristi

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wade Family Reunion

Back when I was a wee one, I used to hang out with these super cool people named Mike and Rhonda. Well...really it was my mom who hung out with them and shot archery, but I tagged along a lot. They are some great people, let me tell ya! So when Mrs. Rhonda asked me to come take pictures at their family reunion, I was pretty excited! It's Mike's maternal side of the family, so I only know a few people there, but I still had a ton of fun. Everyone treated me like I was a part of the family, and I had some AWESOME food (fish, hushpuppies, sweet tea...YUM).
_____Cooking the food
_____Family photos
 _____Feeding a teensy kitten
_____Out riding the trails
 _____Watermelon time!
_____The Robertsons, Mike and Rhonda
You guys were so so so great! I enjoyed spending the day with you.
