Thursday, November 26, 2009

Katy Scudieri Jewelry on Etsy

One of my new favorite jewelry makers: KATY SCUDIERI!!!
We worked out a deal for me to take some of her product photos and I am very pleased with the results. Please check out her shop here: She's AWESOME!

Also, here are some of the photos that I took. If you know of any other etsy sellers that want help with their photos, send them my way!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Black Friday Sale

I'm having a Black Friday Sale! I was going to do free shipping until the end of the year but I am not planning on making it a Black Friday-Cyber Monday thing. Everything is free shipping worldwide and there's a new banner to advertise it! I <3 the banner. My Etsy Shop

I was featured in this wonderful blog by Evilneedles! I am honored to be a part of this blog and facebook page and twitter, etc...
You can check it out here: I'm kitschy!!! YAY!