Friday, July 15, 2011

4th of July in South Carolina

Well, folks, this is my last South Caroline post. Are you bummed? Ok, I didn't think so. Our last day there was the 4th of July and also the day we happened to go to the beach. We ended up going to Foley beach, and I really loved it there! It wasn't terribly crowded because we drove pretty far down before we parked. The sand was nice and packed from the tide, so I didn't get a lot sand in my things, and it was just all around a great beach.

We spent about 3 hours on the beach and then decided to go get something to eat. We found a place on the corner called Crab Shack. Besides the extremely loud family at the next table, it was a great place!  I got some delicious grilled shrimp with veggies and potatoes. YUM! The shrimp also came with this interesting sauce. I don't really even know how to describe it, but trust me it was good.

Later we went to a huge fireworks show. It.was.amazing. I can't even...I don't...I don't even know how to describe it other than amazing. I'm from a pretty small area of Tennessee, so fireworks shows here are just people shooting roman candles and the occasional artillery shell. This show was like a million times more exciting and elaborate! I think my mouth was wide open during the entire thing.

Here are some pictures from the night, and make sure to watch the video at the bottom (if you enjoy fireworks). Be aware that I "woo hoo" quite loudly during the finale, so you might want to turn the volume down. ha!

I love this bridge. The fireworks were just across the bridge.

 we were red white and blue without even planning it!

 Ana and Mallory

getting dark...almost time!

what...a night

Check out more posts from my vacation here


Andrea Badgley said...

You are the cutest thing EVER, Kristi. I couldn't hear you WOO HOOing, though, cause the video's not showing up for me. But I love all your other pictures, and I want to eat those shrimp right off of my screen. How did you do that?! Food, especially shrimp, is not very easy to photograph appetizingly (is that a word?), and omg, I miss those hard sand beaches! I'm sad for you that your vacation is over, but so happy that you were able to take it!

Aunt Angie said...

I have loved reading the blogs about your trip. I am ready to leave now and spend a few days in Charleston. I have heard that it is a quaint (cute) little place. Glad that you went and glad that you had a good time. Love You.

Ana said...

They say that pictures cannot make justice to anything you get to experience first thing, but let me tell you, that plate of shrimp looks AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS:-) And the picture with the bridge by itself is quite the monument. You create magic with your camera Kristi, great job! So happy I got to celebrate 4th of July with you and Mallory, I will forever be greatfull! Love u!!!

Oh, My Darling said...

Ooh, looks super-beautiful!

cb said...

what a way to spend the 4th! the beach, shrimp, great friends and fireworks! yay! looks like you had a fantastic day!
