Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mug and Painting

Not feeling great today, so I'll just leave you with some new things from Shepherd's Haven. SH is a wonderful organization that ministers to adults with special needs. They have houses where 6-8 participants (adult age) can live together with house parents, and they also have a snazzy day center where the participants spend their days on fun activities including Bible study, crafts, and field trips. All the items in the Etsy shop were made by adults with special needs at the Day Center. They LOVE making work for the can see it in their wonderful smiles :) 

Find these great items in the shop! Plus, you know...there's tons of other great stuff in there too. 


Oh, My Darling said...

Love the color of that mug, so pretty!

k said...

wow, i need to check the shop...those mugs are so cool!