Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Read a Book a Month: January

One of my things to do in 2012 is to read a book each month. It's something I always aim to do, but I never make time to read. Having it on an actual list is really helping! I finished The Beautiful and Damned in January and I'm almost finished with my February book (I'm planning to actually read two this month).

If you guys like The Great Gatsby, you might enjoy this book, also by Fitzgerald. I didn't get very involved until the main characters began their relationship. The character whose point of view the story is told from was rather dull until that point! Once the two of them (Gloria and Anthony) became involved, it got a lot more interesting. The story focuses on the lives of these two socialites in the 20s, at the emergence of the Jazz Age. I can honestly say I would NOT have wanted to live in that era. While the fashions are gorgeous and everything appears glamorous, underneath it all lies a lot of corruption and hardship. By the end of the book, I wanted to jump in there and shake the characters for their lack of work ethic and morals (and outrageous consumption of alcohol). They are what we could call "spoiled rotten brats."

While I don't think this book is as good as The Great Gatsby, it's definitely worth reading and very well written. Margaret has it right now, but if any of my followers would like a free copy, let me know and I'll get it in the mail for you!


cb said...

wow what a great goal. i have not read the great gatsby but have heard great things about it. i don't think i could read a book a month, i mean i read everyday for an hour but the books i have been reading lately are like 900 pages!!!!!!!!!! :D

Lisa {A Piece of Lisa} said...

I haven't read that many of the classics, I feel I should do it, if only to sound sofisticated at dinner parties :)
I'm reading the third hunger games book now, the first two were so amazing that this last one seems really slow in comparison, but I want to see how it ends!

xo Lisa

Ps. Thank you so much for your comment on my cake photos, it's great to hear from a proffessional photographer! :)