Monday, April 23, 2012

Read a Book a Month: March

Y'all! I'm so late on this! Whatever, better late than never, I always say. So March started out with a quick read of Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler. It's not pictured here because I already put it in my book trunk and I don't feel like digging it back out. That's not unreasonable, right? It was pretty funny. Either she's had the most interesting/insane life ever, or she's great at stretching the truth. She does point out in the book that she's a compulsive liar, so I'm inclined to think she's just good at making somewhat strange and funny situations seem like a riot. Either way I recommend it if you're into her comedy.

Next I read my Hoes for Libros (online book club full of awesome ladies) pick An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin. This is the second novel that I've read by him, and I actually enjoy his writing! This was a story about a woman moving her way up in the art world. He used references to actual artwork, auction houses, and events to make the whole thing seem true. By the end I felt like everything in the book had actually happened. I honestly didn't care much for the main character, but I don't think Martin wants the reader to like her. The weird thing about this book is that I wasn't rooting for anyone in the story...I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Next up was one that I'd been itching to read for a while: The Hunger Games! It's been in my "to read" list, and by the time I actually picked it up to read it, the hype had built it up quite a bit. I have a thing with hyped up books...I usually don't read them because I'm afraid I'll be disappointed. I wouldn't say HG was a disappointment, but I wasn't as crazy over it as a lot of people have been. I didn't immediately pick up the next book when I was's actually still sitting by my bed waiting to be read. Rhett thinks it's strange that I can stop in the middle of a series and start reading something else. It doesn't bother me though! I would still recommend Hunger Games, but I didn't enjoy the writing style AT ALL. The short, choppy sentences drove me nuts, and I didn't feel especially connected to the characters.

Well that's it! Three books in March...I'm on a roll. I've read one full book so far in April and, friends, it was a good one. I can't wait to tell you all about it. I'm currently reading one that's 1500 pages, so I doubt I'll finish it any time soon!

1 comment:

cb said...

i would love to read are you there vodka! i love funny books. have you ever read any of david sedaris books? oh man he is great! i will have to pick that one up after i am done with my series! i hope you enjoy the hunger games, SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!