Sunday, January 4, 2015

Things to Do in 2015

For the 4th time, I've made a list of things to do in the coming year. I guess it's becoming a tradition! I like making these goals for myself, even if some of them never get done. I really feel that all of my tasks this year are totally attainable. I tried to keep that in mind when making them. I don't have as many that I can make fun charts for this year, but maybe I can come up with some more later. I loved keeping my 900 miles chart last year. Speaking of last year, let's see how I did in 2014:

  1. Pay off car - Done with some time to spare! It felt so good to cross this off. 
  2. Clean out shed - This happened! It was largely thanks to my mom and cousins. Most of the stuff in there was theirs. It's nice to have some space in there. 
  3. Shoot my own trash the dress session - nope. This became less of a fun I didn't do it.
  4. Make progress on saving for a Canon 5D Mark III - Bought it early in the year and had no trouble paying it off! It's been awesome. 
  5. Run 900 miles - Did it :) My marathon put me over the goal.
  6. Watch 20 movies in my "1001 Movies to See Before You Die" book - nope. I honestly didn't even try on this one. 
  7. Paint the Kitchen - yet again, I let this one get away from me. next year! 
  8. Maintain good habits - I let the nutrition slip a few times, but I've done relatively well.
  9. Rebrand business to Kristi Woody Photography - done! As you can see, it's Woody & Pearl Photography, and thanks to my friend Scott Heit, my branding is baller. 
  10. Read at least a book a month - I didn't keep track of this, but I'm almost positive I did since I read 8 books in December alone. 
  11. Build up product and food portfolio - Did a few more shoots this year, mostly for Jerseymaids jewelry and Tulum (my fav restaurant).
I say I really killed it in 2014! Only three goals missed. I also achieved some long term goals that I hadn't originally planned to do last year. I completed a triathlon AND a marathon. Both experiences were...special. I surprised myself with what I was able to accomplish, but I'm not going to pretend it wasn't incredibly challenging. I'm so glad to have crossed those things off my list. Woo hoo! I'm ready to make the most of 2015. 

  1. Actually really seriously paint the kitchen - for real this time. 
  2. Set up guestroom - this desperately needs to get done
  3. Shoot 20 weddings - Booked 11 so far! 
  4. Get the front flower beds under control - I'm not above hiring someone to do this one. 
  5. Organize vintage inventory - my office looks like a vintage explosion went off. It needs help
  6. Deep clean the house and minimize possessions - this will be the hardest for me to accomplish. I hate cleaning with a fiery, burning passion. 
  7. Break 24 minutes in the 5K - had to have a running goal in there!
  8. Reach $10,000 in savings - This will be tough, but I love setting financial goals. I may invest half of it when I reach my goal.
  9. Do at least 5 personal projects - I've set this goal before and missed it, but I have a great group of creative friends in my life that I know will push me. 
  10. Read a book a month - I try this every year. It's not hard anymore because I just love reading so much!
  11. Walk Chipper 5 days a week - I've gotten really lazy with him, and he deserves better. It'll be good for me too. 
Additional goal: Journal once a week. This was inspired by my good friend Josh Garcia. I've been wanting to get back to journalling anyway, so once a week sounds like a plan! I've been thinking about how little I'm going to remember about my life when I'm older. I want to be able to tell my kids stories (if kids guarantees), and I know I won't be able to do that without writing things down. My memory on a scale from 1 to 10 is probably a 4. 

Here's to a fantastic 2015! Happy new year (a little late, I know). I hope you all have a wonderful year, and I guess I'll see you back at this post in 12 months. 

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